System/ Product Design Features
CryptoEx is designed with Industry Standard Frameworks and follows Coding Standards and Security Guidelines

Built with Laravel
Laravel is one full featured developer friendly and secure Application Development framework in PHP Eco System. We used Laravel Version 5.5 for this product development.

Powered with VueJS
VueJS Components are used in the codebase to make better code readability and better user experience.

BootStrap 4 for UI
Bootstrap 4 is used as UI Framework to achive design consitency and mobile friendly responsive web design

Amazon S3
We used amazon S3 as storage add-on to store the User Documents, User Profile Images and related documents.

We used pusher api for populating the Live Feed. Pusher makes it easy to estabilish the realtime features

Google Re-Captcha
Using the Google Recaptcha gives the control over the spam sign ups and easily the effective way to spam free.

Nginx Server
We used Nginx as a Server. Nginx providers greater stability and higher performance. With Ubuntu 16.04, nginx is optimized for the better perforamnce and easy development in both development and Production.

NodeJs has been used as developer environment and also as server to work with BlockChain Explorer and Ethereum.

For enterprise implementation of Multi-signature wallets we used BitGo API and the BitGo Platform Services

ERC 20 Smart Contracts
The sytem is compatilble to work with any ERC 20 Smart Contract based Crypto currencies.

We used web pack as a plugin to complile CSS and JS on development enironment. It gives the developer the flexibility to write maintainable code.

Google 2FA
We implemented Google 2FA ( 2 Step Verification) making it easy for users to setup and use.
Front End Features
CryptoEx is designed to serve as a Wallet and Exchange Services in an simple and user friendly way

Registration & Signup Module
- Simple Registration Form
- Google Recaptcha
- E-mail Verification
- Mobile Number Verification ( Optional )
- Log IP Address
- Auto-Block on False Login Attempts
- Block Country Level IP from Firewall module

Rich UI & Information Pages
- Customizebale Homepage
- Crypto Currency Price Ticker
- Customizeable Slider
- News Slider
- Live Feed
- Customizeable Footer
- Social Icons
- Newsletter Signups
- HTML 5 Video Support

My Account Dashboard
- Information Rich Visual Dashboard
- Account Balance Widget
- Recent Transactions Widget
- Graphical elements showing the market price info
- Simple Navigation

Wallet Accounts
- Seperate Wallet for each currency accounts in the system.
- Balance Display
- Detail Report
- Search Transaction
- Recent Transactions Display with status and time stamp
- Export Wallet Reports

Buy / Sell Coins
- Simple Buy Coins Forms
- Automated approval on the payments via BTC and ETH
- API Based Current Rate Display
- E-Mail on Buy / Sell Status Updates
- Searchable Buy / Sell Records

- Exchanage Cryptocurrency to Fiat Currency
- One Time Password for Exchange Confirm
- Instant Approval
- Detailed History
- Searchable Records

Wallet Fund Transfer
- Members can transfer their funds from One Wallet (from one currency) to another wallet ( to another currency)
- Exchange Rates automatically set via API Service

Member to Member Fund Transfer
- Members can easily transfer teir funds using Fund Transfer Option following by the OTP (One Time Password )

Internal Messaging
- A simplified internal messaging system to faciliate the communication between the Member to Member and Member to Admin

- The notification system helps to keep the people notified with latest updates in their account as well as the system.
- Read / archive Notfications

- Frequently Asked Questions section is availableto make it easy for the users to get clarifications

Support Tickets
- A faster and most effective way of managing customers queries is through support ticket system. The script has in-built ticketing system

Contact Form
- Frequently Asked Questions section is availableto make it easy for the users to get clarifications
Admin Panel Fetaures
CryptoEx Admin Panel is designed to serve the complete control over the software settings and controls to carry out the day-to-day business actives and produce the reports as needed.

Secure Admin Panel
- The admin panel routes are fully protected by middleware and OTP protected and Session

Informative Dashboard
- The admin dashboard includes the widgets providing latest information and summary of key data.
- Dashboard widget for Loggedin Users list