Initial Coin Offerings have been the modern trend recently. There are lot of new organizations start ICO to crowd fund their project. It is one of the quality ways to attract a lot of investors in the quickest possible way. How to start your own ICO has become million dollar question among many global users.
If users have an idea or wish to start up a business or a project and they do not have enough funds to start it, starting an ICO is the top way to gain potential investors. The best way would land you a lot of investors and surely spark your capital in the fastest way. Given below some of the common misconceptions when starting up a token crowd sale, how to avoid it and primarily the things you are going to require when starting your own ICO.
One should have a unique solid product or idea:
Think of unique and provide a service to potential investors with the end users in the long run. It must be solid as anything that has flaws in it or is a copy of an existing product would definitely not attract investors to invest in your firm.
Develop a stable team behind your company:
One must possess stable team behind your company and that will give you plus points if you are thinking of launching an ICO. The global people want to see stability in a company before they would invest their hard earned money in it. You can also hire experts in their respective fields with good references.
Must be transparent:
It must be one of the core facets of your company and should live by it. You must be honest with dealing with people. You should actually impress them, be honest with them as they are the important reason why your business exists in the first place. You can be transparent with your investors and they would get to hear information straight from the firm itself.
Professionally plan ahead for the future:
The global people would wish to see how you are going to use their money for development. So having an excellent white paper and roadmap goes hand in hand. If you effectively manage to do this correctly, people would surely start investing in your company.
Finally once you have established your legitimacy and keeping it intact would surely make your ICO successful, and also your prosperous project in the long run.