White Label Crypto MLM Software
Launch your multi-level marketing (MLM) program with smart contracts and cryptocurrency. Take your business to next level.
Hybrid :: Web + Blockchain
By using blockchain technology, all transactions are stored through Smart Contracts. The web interface makes it easy to access the data.
Smart Contract Based
The referral rules, geneology, and commission structure are designed through smart contracts and are fully automated.
Autonomous and Transparent
The use of Blockchain technology makes the solution fully autonomous and transparent. It leads high-performance business.
Next Generation MLM Software powered by Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency, Serverless Solutions, Cloud Computing are been the recent advancement in computer science and technology. The new era of software development is mainly migrating or redesiging the existing solution to Modern Technologies. At Gegosoft, when we started brainstorming for a development of MLM Software, we are very much committed to adopt modern technologies and do not develop yet another cheap MLM software that is based on traditional server technology.

Reinventing Network Marketing by adopting the Blockchain Technology
Network marketing and direct selling is the most common and most successful business model in retail industry. With invent of E-Commerce and mobile commerce, the network marketing eco system changed as complete Online Network Marketing System. The key dis-advantages in online system are the Security, Data Processing Speed, Storage Limitations and Transparency in data. By using block chain technology, the network marketing systems are now more transparent, secure and highly available.

Implementing Smart Contracts for Multilevel Marketing Transactions
The key challenge in multi level marketing software solutions are their effectiveness and correctness in Commission (Level Commission & Referral Commission ) processing. Most of the systems fails in commission processing as the network grows beyond a certain point. The Block Chain Technology and Smart Contract are offering the robust, reliable and cost-effective solution to handle the volume of transactions with easy and accuracy. The Smart Contract based MLM solution is the game changer.
Usecases Served

Direct Selling Software
The first and fore most important use case, we tried to solve is Direct Selling. The adoption of block chain technology has opened up new possibilities in direct selling.

Affiliate Marketing Software
Affiliate marketing is an ever growing million dollar industry. The block chain technology in game changer in affiliate marketing industry making it more transparent and reliable.

Social Selling Software
The growth of internet technology and social media, already created a huge impact on Sales. Social media has been the top selling channel for most brands.

Multi-level Marketing
A key challenge in developing the multilevel marketing system is making it adopting to business innovation and innovation in compensation plans.

Crowd Funding
Crowd funding is not a typical MLM use case. But it has all the technological challenges to make it a powerful referral system based business model.

Loyalty Program
Introducing a Loyalty Token and Reward Points System by deploying a strong and well defined smart contract makes any business futuristic.
Key Design Considerations for Next Gen MLM Software
Most successful companies in Direct Selling Industry grow up to one million users in a first 3 years. After that they grow to 10 million in just next 1 or 2 years. The scalabilty play a key role. Typical single database systems will fail. So we adopt cloud database & cloud stoarage solutions.
Speed & High Availability
As the traffic and usage goes, most typical MLM Solutions fails. Next-Gen MLM Software uses high available CDN ( Content Delivery Network), which ensure the user request served fast and from his closed available servers or data center, We use AWS & Cloudflare.
Security in cloud based application deployment is the key challenge in designing the architeture. The virtualization, IP Policy, Firewall, Storage policies, Data Transfer & Data Access policies are well defined to ensure the security. End to End encryption also implemented in storage level and data transfer level.
User Experience Design
User experience is the key factor in determining the success of any software project implementation. Our team in Gegosoft, has studied the key competitors in this domain and also studied the best practices in E-commerce industry and come-up with best class user experience design.
The key design consideration in modern day software develomnet is the ability to extend the software with zero downtime. Our API first design approch make it possible to develop a solution that can be extended to adopt to plugin based web applications and mobile applications.
One solution doesn’t fit for all requirements and will not serve all the business requirements and use cases. So it is important to develop the software as Developer Friendly. We commited to deliver the full source code access via Git Repo to all our development partners and customers.
Key Modules and Features of Next-Gen MLM Software

Compensation Plan Builder
Modern day MLM Businesses demand the inovation in the compensation plan. Our compensation plan builder (also termed as MLM Plan Buider) is based on the set of proven network marketing business models. As a MLM Business master mind, you are powered to build your own compensation plan by combining and defining the params and limits.
Membership Plan ( Free / One Time Fee / Subscription)
Defining of compensation plan starts with defining the membership model. The most common membership models are FREE Membership, One Time Fee ( Package Fee ) or Subscription ( Monthly or Yearly ). As MLM Business owner you can set your entry criteria.
Referral Commission & Level Commission
The key param that defines the success of any MLM Compensation plan is its commission structure. The most common commissions are Referral commission and level commission. The compensation builder allows you to define commission up to 12 levels.
Rewards, Ranks, Titles & Leaderboard
The success of any MLM Business is mostly depends on its key members who play major role in recruiting & network building. Over the time, the MLM industry has come up with rewards programs that recognize the hard work and reward them suitably. As MLM Business planner, you can define your own ranks, titles and rewards.
Sales Bonus, Recruitment Bonus & Achievement Bonus
The common bonus are Welcome Bonus ( starter bonus), level up bonus, sales bonus, promotion bonus, recruiter bonus. Apart from the standard bonuses, the MLM Admin can define any bonus including Car, House, Travel, Vacation & Gold.
MLM Matrix Plan ( Binary , M x N Forced Matrix, Uni-level, Liner)
Binary Network is the most common and widely used one. The software readily supports M x N forced Matrix, Binary Matrix, Liner and Uni-level system. The next version will include the support of Board Matrix, Cyclic Matrix and Australian X-UP System.
MLM Point System ( PV, GPV, BV, CV)
Defining the point system for MLM Business is key success parameter. As a MLM Business Architect you can define the point system. The point system plays important role in sales and is the key for calculating bonus, rewards, promotions and titles.
Network Genealogy Tree
Presenting a clear and easy to access / navigate genealogy tree make the system more meaningful and useable. The genealogy also lets you know the inactive members and users gets insights to do business with motivation and reach sales targets and grow networks.
Dynamic Compression
As business grows the MLM networks see lot of inactive persons. A dynamic compression algorithm is needed to clean up the inactive members and make the network in-tact and connected.

MLM Recruitment Tools
The growth of network marketing system is depended on its ability and robustness in recruitment. It should be easy for a MLM members to recruit new users under his downline. We built powerful tools to help MLM recruitment process.
Referral link & Cookie
The classic old referral link & cookie play a key role in recruitment process. Typically we set a 365 Days cookie.
Social Share & Social Media Post Scheduling
The software built-in with tools to share the referral link in social media and tools to schedule the posts for impact marketing.
Video Marketing & Content Aggregators
Keep up the influence in your leads by sharing rightful contents and powerful videos.
Replicating Website
Members are provided with a theme-able and customize-able replicating web site that helps to promote the program.
Invitation Mails & SMS
Simply import your address book or phone directory and blast a inviation to join.
Influencer Outreach Email Campaigns
Influence your leads with prefectly crafted the infleuncer out reach email campaigns.

Distributor Back Office Tools
The success of the MLM Software is depended on its robust back office tools. The back office is serving as a tool, data sheet and report card for the distributor. Our design team crafted the distributor back office with graphical rich charts & graphs, searchable data tables, insightful widgets and actionable tools.
E-Wallet System
Keep up the influence in your leads by sharing rightful contents and powerful videos.
E-Pin System
Keep up the influence in your leads by sharing rightful contents and powerful videos.

AML, Security & Complaince
MLM Industry has seen a lot of scams and legal issues. To overcome the legal challenges MLM industry pioneers suggested best practices in terms of Security and complaince. With invent of crytocurrency and internation trade, it is mandatory to adhere to AML ( Anti-Money Laundering ) complainces.
Two Factor Authentication ( 2FA)
To ensure the correctness of the access and transaction authority, the software implemented 2FA.
Transaction Password & OTP
A combination of Transaction Password and One Time Password is been the currently recommended industry best practice.

Custom Development
Our key focus is developing the software as Modular as possibile and make it easy for developers to extend the software. With our API first approch & schemantic versioning, our software is easy for developers to work with.
Technology Stack
The technology stack we choosed for the Next-Gen MLM Software is based on the scalabity and customization factor

Nginx has been our choice of web server for Server Based Deployments.

AWS Lambda, RDS & S3
We experimenting AWS Lambda based Serverless deployment by using Laravel Vapor

MySql / Postgre Sql
Our code base has been adoptable to MySQL / Postgre Sql driver for database

Php 7.X has been our choice of server side scripting language.

Larvel 7.X
Laravel has been our choice of Web Framework simply because of it’s modular structure and command line utilities.

Vue JS
Our team used VueJS extensively for Front End design ensuring the richness.

Tailwind CSS
We used Tailwind CSS – a utility first CSS Framework for our front end development.

Vue Native for Mobile
We use Vue Native ( a React Native based ) implementation for iOS and android app development.
Our team working hard to maximize the software potential by integrating with 3rd party software & payment gateways

Licensing & Pricing
We belive in continous development and delivering the full source code access to the customers. Our pricing depends on the core engine (source code) + development of additional features and support hours. Contact our team for pricing.
Our price starts from
USD 2500/-
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